Do you have availability for a certain date?

We ask that all customers make a booking request via their account as we have some bookings in pending. Sometimes we have too many intact males in the hotel to accept anymore and we may only have spaces for females. These are just a couple of examples of what we must consider when looking at booking requests so unfortunately we can’t always give a definitive yes or no answer. 


Can I have a price list?

Thank you so much for requesting a price list. 
Please find a link to our prices here
Here is a video explaining how we calculate your boarding prices 


Can I come and look around?

In order for customers to walk around the hotel safely we must lock all the dogs away. This can upset some of them and it means that the routine we have in place for feeding/grooming and medication is then out of sync. During the pandemic we found that it is better for the dogs to enjoy their time playing as opposed to having people walk around the hotel. You can see the hotel via the virtual tour video and when you drop your dog off you have access to all the cameras in the hotel so you can see every part of the hotel and watch your dog 24/7. This is much better for the dogs as it does not disturb their playtime.

You are very welcome to call into reception and speak to the staff, you can ask any questions and we can talk through any concerns you may have. A lot of businesses had to change their procedures during the pandemic and we have found that this is much better for the dogs in our care.

When will my booking request be accepted?

We must assess each booking request carefully, unfortunately this takes some time.
When we book dogs into the hotel we must consider the following: 
How many intact males / females are boarding
How many areas are taken up by dogs who can not mix
How many dogs need medical / palliative care


Do I need pet insurance?

We strongly recommend having pet insurance although we do not insist upon it. As per our terms and conditions you are acknowledging the risks involved and accepting responsibility for all veterinary costs. This includes situations where your dog may cause injury to another dog or a dog handler. It includes any illnesses your dog may contract when mixing with other dogs. {This list is not exhaustive – please refer to our terms and conditions}

Does my dog need to be vaccinated?

Evidence that your pet is up to date with all their vaccinations is required at the time of booking. This must show a booster vaccination having taken place within the last 12 months and signed off by a qualified Veterinary Surgeon. The certificate must show the booster having been administered as part of a course of vaccinations.

Required Vaccinations:
Dog Vaccinations must safeguard against the following diseases:
– Distemper
– Parvovirus
– Hepatitis
– Leptospirosis
– Parainfluenza

Titre Testing:
We also accept Titre Testing instead of vaccinations.

Timing Restrictions:
We cannot accept dogs who have been vaccinated within the last 7 days; we must wait 7 days after their vaccination to accept dogs onto the premises.

We cannot accept dogs who have been vaccinated against Kennel Cough within the last 14 days.

Kennel Cough Vaccination:
All dogs must have a current Kennel Cough (Infectious Tracheobronchitis) vaccination at least 2 weeks prior to arrival at kennels. This is NOT part of your annual booster vaccination.

Kennel Cough vaccines can be identified on your vaccination card/certificate as ‘Intrac’ (which lasts for 6 months) or ‘Nobivac KC’ (which lasts for 12 months).

Please note that the infectious bronchitis vaccine does not give 100% protection against tracheobronchitis (kennel cough), and the owner takes full responsibility for this. We will not be liable if your pet catches kennel cough or becomes ill due to their stay at No More Kennels.

If your dog has never been vaccinated or if your dog’s vaccinations have lapsed, any restart vaccinations or puppy vaccinations must be given 21 days before boarding or daycare.

Does my dog need to be neutered / castrated?


Can I watch my dog on CCTV?

Yes, absolutely! We’re proud to be the only dog hotel in the UK that offers this level of transparency. You can access our cameras 24/7 to watch your dog anytime you like.

It’s not just you that deserves a holiday…

Treat your pet at UK's biggest & most Luxurious Dog Hotel & Resort!

10-11 Riverside Estate, Fiddlers Ferry,

Penketh, WA5 2UL

Best Luxury Hotel 2021
City Guild Level 3
Best Luxury Dog Daycare
Best Luxury Hotel 2020

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